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Tuesday, October 06, 2009



I've been meaning to ask you how Emily's family is doing. Please let them know that while they don't know me, I still think of them and keep them in my prayers.

On a lighter note, I wish you all the best on Saturday. Also, I ran in college. My all-time best record was when I was hungover. I'M JUST SAYIN'.


I'm praying right now.


Great post. I'm praying for the family and for the kids with that disease. Good luck in the race!


Hmmm. When I run I picture myself breakdancing. Your way seems better - more motivating.

Best of luck in the race! Emily and her parents are lucky to have you on their side, keeping them in your thoughts.

Mrs. D

Good luck with the race! I'll be keeping Emily and her family in my thoughts.

chatty cricket

I just read this while holding a sleepy Mister who is taking his time waking up from a nap. I think Mister and Emily and Asher are around the same age, right?

I may have cried just a little bit.

I'll say a prayer for Emily, and for healing for her parents. No one should ever have to lose a child.

(and also I will pray for you and ALL OF THAT RUNNING HOLY COW 13.1 MILES)

She Likes Purple

I'll be thinking of all of you on Saturday. Promise.


I'm sending up lots of prayers. Thank you for keeping this family in our hearts and for reminding us all of this cause.

Good luck in the run! I'm sure you'll do awesome. Just doing it at all IS awesome.

Rebecca (Bearca)

What a beautiful and touching post.


Have a good race this weekend. It's hard to put one foot in front of the other sometimes, but you're doing it for the right reasons. Good luck!


I will be praying for Emily and her family! Good luck with the race...you will do awesome!!

Side note: I totally wanted to click the "like" button after reading that!!


You are so, so inspiring woman. This brought tears to my eyes. I hope it goes well for you.


I am totally in tears. I think of Emily and Katie & Brian frequently and feel like, even though we only met once, I really kind of miss her... So, I'm remembering, too.

Aunt Becky

I have never and will never forget Emily Mandell or her family. Kisses to heaven and love and light to her parents.


I followed her story and am very touched by your post. I will pray - and best of luck to you on Saturday.


I am so proud of you! Will be praying for Brian and Katie and for those with AT/RT. Run hard girl!


May the spirit of Hermes be with your feet, and Emily in your heart.


One reason I follow your blog is because you are not afraid to talk about your faith or ask readers for prayers. I am praying for Emily's family right now, and for all those who have lost a beloved child.

Good luck on your race! So impressed by your self-discipline and athletic talent!


I will pray for Emily and her family and
for you. Good luck with the race.


You have read my mind. I ran my first 5K at the end of September, and just like you, running makes me think about how lucky I am to be alive and able to accomplish something so physically strenous. (Though it's nothing compared to a mini-marathon!)

I didn't know Emily or her parents, but I think about them, too. I will pray for all of them, and for you, on Saturday and the days before.


Saying a prayer right now.


I just found your blog (love it, and the way that you write!)... and I just read about little Emily. I am spewing crocodile tears as I sit here. I've been struggling a little in my own life recently but for ordinary reasons. This puts everything into perspective. Thank you for sharing- and I think it's amazing that you are running 13 miles for her. Good luck!!


I followed Emily's story from the beginning, hoping every time I saw an update that she would get her miracle. I never met the Mandells but I have a daughter very close in age to Emily so I could empathize with their pain. Your whole post about running and Emily's parents wanting her to be remembered strikes a chord because I never knew Emily personally and yet I do think of her often and especially when I'm running and have my thoughts to myself without distraction. I have that picture of her bald and smiling etched into my brain, clearly she was a kid who was sweet to the core, not even cancer could hide that. I pray often for Emily and her parents, that they can find some peace and eventually joy in their lives again.

Emily will help push you those 13.1 miles for sure!

Beth B.

Thank you for sharing your story. That's great and I know you can do it. For Emily and for you.

Parsing Nonsense

You have a very loving heart, Emily.

Good luck with your race, I hope it's loads of fun!

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