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Wednesday, October 14, 2009



I am so excited for you! I was thinking about you last Saturday.

The first race I ever ran was a measly little 10k but I felt like the most amazing person alive afterward. I considered myself a legit Runner that day too. GO EMILY!


Bloody Marys? And Snickers. So...breakfast.


Congrats! Now you got the bug, and you'll be planning your next race before you know it.

I had a similar experience, family-wise, when I ran the NYC marathon. I knew my husband and baby would be on First Ave, right around mile 20, but they were really closer to 22. That was the longest 2 miles of my life, but seeing them was the happiest moment of my life.


I am so proud of you!!!


I am delurking to say you're awesome!


Delurking to say Congratulations! What a great accomplishment. You SHOULD be proud of yourself.

I was bit by the bug this year too, although I'm still not a "runner". I've managed to do two 1/2 marathons in the last couple months (3:20 and 3:06) but I walked most of it. Although on the 2nd one, I did run more and more frequently, which is why the faster time. I still would like to work up to running for longer distances but now the weather is conspiring against me.

I just joined a gym in hopes to continue training over the fall/winter and them try again next year.

Good luck! It's an awesome accomplishment.


Well done!!!


Congratulations! You should be really proud of yourself, and I'm glad you are.

Sincerely, Jenni

I am not a runner, but want to be one so badly. I just never get motivated enough to start doing it.

After reading the part about seeing your husband and child cheering you on, I got tears in my eyes. That might have been just the motivation I needed.


Congratulations!!! You are motivated!!! Yay!

Post Idea!!! What's your evening schedule like? I got two kids too and am trying to figure out how to do the dinner thing and still find some me time to start running...

Mrs. D

Congratulations! Sounds like an incredible experience.


Way to go! Congratulations! And, so cool that you love running now ... I hope I get there some day. At this point it is still absolute torture so reading this gives me hope.


Congratulations! I have been reading your blog for a while and absolutely love it!

While this is totally off topic I just have to say that while pregnant with my first child we nicknamed him "Cletus the fetus" and well, I felt pretty original until I read that you had the same nickname waaay before me :)

chatty cricket

LOVE! I want to be a runner too!

how did you start? I'm reasonably athletic, but I've never been able to "get into" running, though I've always desperately wanted to. tell me!


You ARE a runner. Now I feel kinda bad when we were all pushing more wine at you on Friday night so that you'd be, uh, too incapacitated to make us all jog (or feel guilty about NOT jogging) on Saturday morning!! :) Seriously, great job. I'm going to find myself a race for this spring and go for it!


And by "Friday night" I meant IN SAC-TOWN. DUH.


Awesome! I started running about 2 years ago and have since run 7 half marathons and too many small races to count (or care). I love it. I now am part of a running group and I agree that running with people is the only way to do it. I will run a marathon one day-just loving the 1/2's too much to get crazy enough to run a full. Keep it up!

Daily Tragedies

Congrats! Sounds like you and Michelle had a great day.


Woohoo! Congrats!

I feel exactly the same way. I ran my first half in May and am running my second on Sunday. It's totally addicting.

Beth B.

That is such an awesome story - you made me tear up. I'm doing my first 1/2 marathon next month and i'm feeling exactly the same as you. I'm scared, but i have been training and so i am pretty sure I can do it but .....

anyway - thanks for sharing. Awesome story and congratulations! you ARE a runner!

Jen @ lifelove'n'wine

Congratulations! You are awesome! This post made me smile so big for you:)


Very inspiring! What training schedule did you follow to even get up to 3 miles? I'm struggling!


CONGRATULATIONS EMILY! You are a runner, an awesome mommy, and a great writer.


Emily, this is amazing to me! Congrats! You inspire me to get off my hump and do Something!!!

anne nahm

You are awesome! And I lolled about the coin thing.

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