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Monday, March 31, 2008



My thoughts and prayers are with this beautiful family.


I am lifting them up with my thoughts and prayers.


My thoughts and prayers are with this family.

I think it is great that you are getting their story out there and trying to raise money to help them during their time of need.


This is truly the unthinkable. You all are in my prayers.


Emily and her family are in my prayers.


This story and your thoughtfulness made me cry. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to help with a donation or extra prayers and good thoughts for Emily and her family.

Stay strong, little Emily!


Oh my god, that is horrifying. All my thoughts and fervent wishes for that family and beautiful little girl.

Thanks for doing this Emily.


D@mn life is not fair. As someone who has spent significant time periods with a child in hospital, I would encourage them to check and see if a Ronald McDonald House is near their hospital. It's WAY more reasonable than an apartment would be. I would also encourage them to check in with the hospital's social worker. The hospital my daughter was in had funds available for parents to apply for that could cover everything from mortgage payments to electricity bills to housing costs in the new city. (They will still need your help, I'm sure. I just want them to have access to all the resources they can).

My prayers are that little Emily is a big fighter.


I know from experience how excrutiating it can be to go through a difficult time like this. Please remember that God would not have helped Emily through all the obstacles she has already faced if there was not a message written in her circumstances. These things have a way of working out and money means nothing if the people we love are not here to share it with us. You will all be in my prayers and my family will do anything that we can to help.


Sending all prayers as hard as I can.


My prayers & thoughts are with this precious family.


I feel horrible for any parent that would have to go through something like this. I have a 5-year-old, and a baby on the way, and I just can't imagine having something like that happen to one of my kids. My husband and I have been so so tight on money since he started his own company last year, but I HAD to donate to your friends. It wasn't as much as I'd have liked to give, but I hope it helps a little.


Donated. I wish I could send more.

My thoughts are with that little girl and her parents.


I cannot even fathom what this must be like for them. My thoughts are with Emily and her family.

Kerri Anne

Here via Chirky's post. Please tell them we, too, are praying and thinking of them and their lovely lovely little one.


Emily, i have been lurking on your blog for some time now and when i read this entry i felt called to help. My thoughts and prayers are with little Emily and Brian and Katie as they struggle through this time. Being a teacher myself i know that funds can be tight, so i hope that they are able to relieve some of that burden through your generosity and thoughtfulness, as well as that of your readership. thank you for your blog as a means of bringing some light to this family in a time of darkness. God bless.


I can not even begin to imagine what this family is going through. The entire family will be in my thoughts and prayers and I look forward to updates on little Emily.

Would you mind if I linked to this post on our blog?


The pastor at our church likes to say that "God is in the business of doing miracles." I have already asked Him to do one for this beautiful family, and heal Emily in a miraculous way. And may He give Katie and Brian a peace that surpasses all human understanding during this difficult time.


may katie and brian and emily all find comfort and healing. i'll be sending prayers and good thoughts from seattle, wa.

Diana Letourneau

I am not sure if my donation went through. I see that you are the person receiving the money so I was wondering if you could let me know if my donation went through. I would try to do it again and I feel terrible for saying it but I just cant afford it if both donations go through. I paid by Visa and used the email on this post and I believe my name should show up as well. Please let me know. Thoughts and prayers for this little fighter. I wish her the best.


I assure you that I will be praying for Brian, Katie and Emily. What a wonderful thing you are doing, using your blog so that people throughout the country will be aware of this family and able to pray/help them.


In complete prayer and praise to our Master Physician.
Praying Joy and Strength for every member of emily's family. Praying discernment for the doctors, nurses, and emily's parents. Praying financial blessings and provisions for the family.

thank you for letting us know so that we may remind the family that they are not alone. God is with them. God is in control through the valley, darkness, and light.


Your friends and their beautiful daughter will be in my prayers. My children having cancer is one of my biggest fears in life. My son has a peanut allergy and right now a fatal reaction to peanuts is my biggest fear. I am always praying for my kids safety and health. I will keep Emily in my prayers also. God bless you all. I'm hoping that my donation, little though it may be will be helpful.


Thoughts and prayers are with Emily, please keep us posted on how they're doing. Also, they (or you) might contact the local network tv affiliates with their story and how to make donations. Usually tv stations have links on their websites for story suggestions. Just a thought for perhaps another venue to get the word out...


It is awesome how the internet opens up so many hearts to complete strangers. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help... My family and I send our prayers to Emily and her parents.

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